Saturday, 25 February 2012

spring inspiration

It was a warm sunny day in London today, spring is beginning to creep in. I'm looking forward to a summer of long sun soaked days, homemade lemonade in glass jars, cycling around the city with flowers threaded in bike baskets, campervans, grassy fields, daisies, juicy mangoes and barbeques on the beach. Here are some of my inspirations for the new spring items I will be adding to the shop. There is a shop update coming tomorrow too (finally), eyes peeled!

work in progress Folly costume

Some work in progress pictures of 'Folly,' a 17th century court opera costume design by Jean Bérain. He has been occupying most of my time in the last months. He has a large padded belly under there, a giant pair of breeches and many other hidden items. There is a lot of work left to do on his sleeves, an overskirt, hat and surface decoration (beading, embroidery etc). He will then be thoroughly broken down to age him, I really want him to look like an old costume that was brought out every year for the court balls, a bit battered and faded but still beautiful.

Still lots to do!